I'm building a bomb shelter and I'm NEVER, NEVER, EVER LEAVING IT!!!!
I've officially HAD IT!!!!
At approximately 10:45am this morning, I was almost in a severe car accident. And I'm not exaggerating people.
As many of you know, a major portion of my job consists of driving around Southern California picking up animals from Veterinary Hospitals. Well today was just any normal day and I was asked to make pick-ups in Orange, Whittier, and Upland.
On my way down the 57S in Brea, my truck (a Chevy S-10) started to swerve out of control while I was in the fast lane. I tried to keep the car straight and began to slow down to get over. Lucky for me, the car in the next lane noticed something was fishy and slowed down to let me over. As I merged across the lane and into the 3rd lane, the back tire flew off the truck and rolled into the carpool lane and down the highway some 1/4 of a mile. I somehow was able to get my car to the shoulder, where I made a stop near Imperial Hwy's exit.
The first half hour after the accident was spent with my hands convulsing and calling the appropriate people to let them know my situation and to get a tow-truck. The next fifteen minutes after were spent with me eating my ham and turkey sandwich, because frankly...I was scared shitless and DAMN IT...I was gonna drown myself in carbs and protein (I'm an emotional eater). After eating my sandwich, I sat curled in my seat staring out the window as I watched the traffic go by - very close mind you...some truck drivers are asshole drivers and I DID NOT need the extra anxiety of being squished...I narrowly escaped crashing into the divider wall only 45 mins prior.
It was then at this point I started to cry.
The river that is my emotional turmoil finally overflowed and I cried. I can honestly say that my life had never been so bad that I had to cry about it, that is, until today. I had a total moment of reflection that my life has been nothing but a series of misfortunate events sprinkled with periods of utter disappointment and boredom. If it weren't for my friends and the people in my life who love me, I don't believe I could ever get out of bed at this point. I am so disappointed in myself and the way my life has turned out. Never did I think I'd be 26 years old, living at home with my parents, overwhelmed by debt, and constantly trying to avoid a major disaster at every turn. Life throws some pretty wicked curve balls and I am striking out miserably.
Needless to say, in about 20 minutes I am getting off work and I'm going to Cold Stones. I'm buying a pint of Coffee Lover's Only and I'm throwing on my PJs and gonna hide in my bed. I don't care that I'm gonna get sick. After 2 months of P90X and diet, my stomach may not survive this. Actually I had what is very similar to food poisioning for 4 days after eating a donut, 2 slices of pizza, and crackers with salami and cheese at work Wednesday for finals...I could not eat solid foods for 3 days after.
But you know what, at this point in my life...I DON'T CARE. I don't care if I spend all night hurling in the toilet. I'm just over it.
For those of you who don't believe me, this is my work truck without the tire:
As you can tell, 2 of the nuts were completely broken off and 2 others are bent. I took this after the tow truck dropped me off at the auto shop in Pomona.
At this point, I'm lucky and grateful to be alive...but I can only say I hope my life gives me a break within the near future. I could use some love from the universe at this point.