I'm back 'n I smell like urine.

Mar 17, 2005 00:22

Well I'm back gunslingers 'n I'm better than ever. I'm back home in Mississippi now livin with my brother. Ryan and I broke up back at the end of January. I could go into details about that but who really gives a shit? I have a new boyfriend now, I can't remember if I wrote about him or not and I failed to go back and read any of my previous entries cause I'm a lazy bum, his name is Greg and I met him through my aunt. Sadly my aunt went crazy after her last break up and blamed me for everything. She went as far as to call me and threaten to whip my ass and shit hit the fan and blah blah blah all the Jerry Springer nonsense. Anyway, I'm learnin how to cook (things other than ramen noodles and easy mac) and my mama is actually paying me to keep this house clean. Can you beleive how lucky I am? I get to move back home and live in this big ol' house with my brother and my mom who now lives 400 somethin miles away is payin me for it. I should do a happy dance or somethin cause I don't know how long my lucky streak will last. I have a boyfriend that adores me and not only that his family adores me. The first night I went to their house I walked in and his older brother was sittin on the couch and the first thing he said to me was " I like them roach killers" in his slow john wayne voice he's got goin on. You can always tell things are good with the family when they comment on your foot wear...or if one of them pees on you.
Movin right along, I did tae bo for 8 mins today and I don't recommend that unless you want to find out just how out of shape you really are. Billy Blanks you kicked my ass today buddy. Been tryin to get buff for swim suit season. Eh, I'm not worried. Slap on some baby oil and a pair of rip off designer sunglasses 'n you're ready for summer.
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