Nov 01, 2003 09:56
Holy shit Justin, that had to be the funniest dumbass moment ever. Except for mine, like when i looked all serious and then busted out laughing, or when i said my hands are like.... and then busted out laughing... i need to stop with the laughing part. So, last night Karen was sad. :( So i told her "there's no crying in baseball"... Yeah that was so funny. For me. Not her. I think i made her worse, and i really didnt grasp that I was being kind of a jerk. So yeah i feel bad about that. Hmmm... i cant really think straight. And damn Noelle and her "what are you thinking about?" questions... I always dont know what im thinking! And that question always brings my incompetence to mind... and i dont like to know that im a dumbass. Unfortunately, i am. OH! I cut my toe! WTF??
Evas house... it was so dumb. All my worlds came together, and i didnt like it. Again. So yeah, Clawson people, with Kimball people, and Groves people, and people I dont know and dont care to know equals WHAT THE HELL!! Yeah, never again. And then Teddy was tryin to talk to me, i guess just because we both dont hang out with Nick anymore and we both know its because of his new girlfriend. Why are guys such morons. I dont get it. So yeah, no, that will most likely never happen, talking to Ted, ever again. Never. Kyle was there. Vossy Wossy had 2 beers or somethin and was smashed hahahaha. what a fool. Anyway, im out.