soooo stealing?

Aug 04, 2003 20:31

Yup, stealing. Im stealing this thing from Mo-Cherry. lmao. Thatd be a really mean name to call you that i just thought of. LoL. It was cause i accidentally pressed the wrong key. Ask me about it and you'll prolly laugh. :-D But anyway, here is the "list of friends hints things that you gotta guess to see which one you are!".... thing.

1. Faerts, AEGS, Hamoca's, little 3-15 year old skits. boxing match with winter gloves. whos that clown?? Your Mom babysat me when I was a wee-little one. It was a mistake to ever put THESE two kids together...
2. One of the best friends I could ever have. Always there for me, and gives me someone to be there for. I always thought u were too hot for me. :-) Now, i KNOW you're too hot for me, but you put up with my retardation well, and have always had all the space on your back and in your heart for me, even when the weight of the world was on you. You ARE truly amazing.
3. The Used. SYSTEM OF A DOWN. Jarod's Dad :-D I TOLD you that i was going to your house the first time we hung out, soon after, I tried to sleep in your bed with you. lmao!
4. Met through one of my best friends. Had an amazing dinner. Had an even more amazing week.
5. Met at Keller. I left you. We were pretty good friends.
6. You moved in across the street. Your step Dad came out to me when I was playing hockey and told me that he had a goalie for me to shoot on... We're now near best friends.
7. German pal. Gave Frau hell and heaven at the same time. dickshit.
8. Met through another person on this list. Mixed like... hmmm... something that mixes well. Always felt like someone i could go to, when I really felt like I had no one else. I didnt even know you that well! NO WAY! LQ!!!
9. hackysack, anyone? boobstalls, anyone? Life saver, anyone? You are... LQ!!!
10. Always gave me something to think about. Always put up with my stupidity. We havent seen eachother for quite some time. You prolly arent even reading this, but we were once VERY close. I feel that deserves something. Pink Cannibalistic Bunnies!
11. Not sure how we met... I think in band when I went to Addams for the first time. You took me under your wing and gave me a place at that school. Also, you watched while I schooled you in Clarinet. :-D
12. Met at Addams also. Office Assistant ring a bell?
13. Shy, didnt realize that I had a crush on her, didnt realize she had a crush on me. Now, your one of the most special things I have. Eat Cash.
14. One of the most crazy kids I know. Drunken Bastard.
15. The Righteous One. Always there with suggestions. Another way up, for me and my darkest hours. Always giving me things to think about. I really look up to you and think that you have to be one of the greatest kids to walk the halls of our schools. Rock On.
16. Wife!
17. Cards in band. I met you through your sister.
18. Monty Python. Drumming skills. Maybe not showing them all in Mr. C's band class.
19. Met you through 18.
20. My closest friend. My greatest enemy. I know all about you. You know all about me. We still conquer problems everyday. The light of my life (at home). Id do anything for you. We've been through too much over the years. You even spoke for me when I guess, i just wouldnt talk at the age of 3. What do you want?.......... What do you want??.......... He wants a glass of water....
I love you.
21. You are with me everyday. Always have been. When I wake up, and when I go to sleep. You have taken a different form, but will always give me comfort through times when I need you most. Had an entry dedicated to you near the start. :'-(
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