gOt tHis fRoM wHiT..!!

Jan 01, 2005 20:38

1. Last Cigarette: uhhh...i cant remember..but ive only tried it twice..and its really gross!!
2. Last Kiss: JuStiN
3. Last Cry: hMmMm...dOnt remember...
4. Last Library Book Checked Out: i dOnt ever cHecK ne bOoKs oUt..so0o yeh none haha
5. Last Movie Seen In a Theatre: MeEt tHe FoCkErs! oMg its so0o funny!! go and see it!
6. Last Book Read: tO KiLL a MoCkiNgbiRd..4 SkOoL..i UsEd cLiFFnOtEs fOr MoSt oF iT tHoUgH! haha
7. Last Cuss Word Uttered: HoLy sHiT..i tHiNk..oR MaybE iT WaS BiTcH..nO MaybE dUmbaSs..umm i dunno i used them all 2day! haha
8. Last Beverage Drank: DiEt Dr. PePpeR
9. Last Food Consumed: a MaRsHmeLLow..yumm
10.last picture taken: yEsTeRday..
11. Last TV Show Watched: aMeRiCas MoSt WaNtEd
12. Last Time Showered: EarLiEr 2day
13. Last Shoes Worn: New BaLaNce TeNniS sHoEs
14. Last CD Played: uMmMm i dOnt ReMeMbEr
15. Last Soda Drank: Diet Dr. PeppeR..?? wHaTs tHe diFFeReNce bEtwEeN bEvErAgE aNd sOda?? l0l isnt soda a beverage?
16. Last Thing Written: OnLiNe-thats funny on paper-a number
17. Last Words Spoken: iM 14..My MoMs fRiEnds gRaNddAugHtEr iS oVeR hErE n sHe aSkEd mE hOw oLd i WaS l0l!
18. Last Sleep: umm..tHiS MoRniN..
21. Last Ice Cream Eaten: i dOnt EvEn rEmEmBer..probly chocolate chip cookie favorite!
22. Last Time Wanting to Die: i HOpe NeVer
24. Last Time Dancing: aT tErEsAs! haha great fun!
26. Last Big Car Ride: weLL yEsTeRday KiNda..cuz teresas mom was bringin me home and we had 2 stop like 50 bajillion times..then she 4got she had 2 take her dog 2 tha vet by 12 and it was like 11 so0o we had 2 go all the way from hoover back 2 cahaba heights...and then 2 mountain brook..and then back 2 hoover! hahahha!
27. Last Crush: hMmMm..pRobLy jUsTiN..but we r goin out now so0o yeh
28. Last PhOnE CaLL: mEgAn
39. Last Disappointment: LaSt NiTe...i didnt gO nEwHeRe and it was new years eve..BORING!
30. Last Time Scolded: dOnt rEmEmbEr
32. Last Web Site Visited:

01. piercings = 6..ears double pierced..cartilage (upper left ear)..and bellybutton!
02. tattoos = NoNe
03. height = 4'11 oR 5'
04. shoe size = 8
05. hair color = BrowN
06. eye color = gReEn
07. siblings = 2 older and one younger..and an older brother

01. movie you rented = uMmM dOnT rEmEmBer
02. movie you bought = i dont really buy movies..its just a waste i never watch them again...
03. cd you bought = i Dont Buy Cds i JuSt DowNloAd SoNgs aNd BurN cdS
04. cd you listened to = pRobLy bUrNed
05. person you've called = wHiTnEy
06. person that's called you = mEgAn
07. tv show you've watched = uMmMm weLL SiNcE tHe LaSt tiMe tHiS tHiNg aSkEd mE tHaT qUeStiOn..iM WaTcHiN jimmy neutron haha! little girl over here..shes like 6 or 7
08. friend you made = Dont Kno..?
01. you have a crush on someone = YeP
02. you wish you could live somewhere else = YeH KindA
03. you think about suicide = NoPe
04. you believe in online dating = No iTs dUmb...i rEaLLy dOnt fEeL LiKe gEttiN RaPed haha
05. others find you attractive = uMmMm i gUesS..i HaVe a bf! ha
06. you want more piercings = MaybE..nOt sUrE yEt
07. you drink = sOmeTiMes
08. you do drugs = nOpE!
09. you smoke = i HaVe TryeD iT a CouPle of TiMes And i Hated iT!
10. you like cleaning =iF iM iN the MooD To ClEaN
11. you like roller coasters = HeLL yEh!! i LoVe tHeM!!
12. you write in cursive or print = PrinT

+ long distance relationships = FoR..iF yOu LiKe sOmEoNe iT wiLL wOrK..
+ using someone = AgAiNsT
+ suicide= AgAiNsT
+ killing people = AgAiNSt!!!
+ teenage smoking = uMmMm w.e fLoaTs uR bOat..
+ doing drugs = SaMe aS abOvE
+ driving drunk = AgaiNst..My Ex*sTePmOms sOn WaS dRiViNg hOmE dRuNk n hE fLiPpEd oVeR tHa WaLL tHaTs iN tHa MiddLe oF tHa HiGhWay n diEd..tHen HiS mOm WaS sO uPsEt sHe hAd 2 gO 2 tHa HoSpiTaL n HaD a hEaRtaTaChE n diEd! it was reallly sad! NOONE EVER DRIVE DRUNK PLEASE!!
+ soap operas = wut kinda question is that? l0l! i dont watch them..but some of my friends do!

+ thing to do = uMmMm...taLk oN tHa cOmPuTeR and HaNg oUt w/ FriEnDs..aNd gO tO tHa MaLL n MoViEs..aNd pArTay!! haha
+ thing to talk about = DePnEdS oN wHaT i fEeL liKe taLkiNg aBoUt...
+ drinks = cOkE
+ clothes = uMmMm i dUnNo..dEpEnDs oN wUt i fEeL LiKe wEaRiN..
+ movies = FiNdInG nEmO..MeEt tHe FoCkErs..wHiTe cHicKs! hAhA
+ holiday = dOeS SpRiNg bReAk cOuNt aS a HoLiDaY??? oThEr tHaN tHat..ChRiStMas
+ ever cried over a girl = yEh..LiKe fRiEnds
+ ever cried over a boy = yEp dEfiNaTeLy
+ ever lied to someone = YeP
+ ever been in a fist fight = YeP
+ ever been arrested = uMmM yEh haha..

+ shampoo do you use = bRiLLiaNt bRuNeTTe
+ shoes do you wear = DifFErEnt KiNds
+ are you scared of = sPiDeRs..aNd diEiNg..
# of times you have been in love? once oR tWiCe...KiNda PupPy LoVe tHo
# of times you have had your heart broken? uMmM tWiCe i tHiNk
# of hearts you have broken? nOt SuRe
# of girls you have kissed? NoNe!.bLaH!!
# of boys you have kissed? duNnO..nOt gUnNa cOuNt
# of drugs taken illegally? uMmM iVe nEvEr dOnE dRuGs..
# of people you would classify as true, could trust with your life type friends? 2
# of people you consider your enemies? nOt SuRe
# of times your name has appeared in the newspaper? nOnE i dOnt tHiNk..WeLL aCtUaLLy i tHiNk oNcE iN LiKe tHa OvEr tHa MoUnTaiN jOuRnaL..wHeN i WaS a cHeErlEaDeR tHey pUt oUr piC iN thEre
# of scars on your body? nOt SuRe
# of things in your past that you regret? O gOsH..LoTs!!!!!..aNd LoTS!!!!
--copy and paste this in ur journal--
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