A little update again...

Jan 09, 2005 08:46

First off...Happy birthday Jen!!! Sorry I wasn't able to make it out drinking with you, me and my beau kinda fell asleep at 9, we were very tired!!

I'm a third of the way through my mini-mester course, Intro to Family Studies. I am finding that this class is just what I needed. As some of you know the romantic side of my life is one that I value highly, I'm searching for my future husband so that my life can get under way. I want kids, a huge family, and a husband is a key player in the development of all this. So this class talks about love and marriage and dating... and I'm finding that perhaps I'm looking for the wrong KIND of love. The passionate all consuming love would be nice...but it's not practical, those things usually fade over time...they fizzle out, they die. I need to be looking for the commitment and the intimacy in my relationship. Passion is a bonus but not something to base your whole relationship on. If all three were present that would be wonderful, but again one should be ready for when the passion fades.

So bottom line, this class has been very helpful in me thinking about my future plans and how realistic I'm being in getting those goals met. I'm not going to rush anything, but it's good to think about.

Hmm, Coal and Cammy are still fighting. They can sit with each other in the same room for awhile before Coal chases Cammy down, I'm not sure they'll ever be best buds. :(

John and I are doing well. We've had some moments that I think brought us just a little closer together but we're still getting to know each other. My one fear is that down the road we find that we really click and that we are a good match and then I leave and nothing else ever comes of it...but that's a risk I'm going to have to take. I will not make long term plans with a guy like I did with you know who. It ended badly and I'm not willing to risk that hurt or feeling of helplessness again. I want to be independant and by moving to my parents house and paying off my loans and saving up for a house, I can do that. I won't be dependant on anyone but myself.

I think that's really all I have to say. I hope everyone is doing well. I need to get my day started. Bye!
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