-- B A S I C S --
Name: Amber Liz.
Nicknames Ber. Ambz, Berberry.
Explain what your user name means/why you picked it:Two of my obsessions: vanilla & coffee, put together. It just fits me if you know me.
Age/Birthday (Month, Day, Year): 17//March 27th, '89
Your 3 favorite colors: Pink, light blue, green
Significant Other ( pics are nice ): Taken//Brenden=)
Location:Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Tattoo's or Piercings( pics are nice ): My ears & my bellybutton.
School/Working: School, trying to get a job @ Starbucks!
Hobbies: Travelling, acting, shopping =P, music.
-- F A V O R I T E S --
Singer/Bands: Matchbox Twenty, Bon Jovi, Eminem, & pretty much EVERYTHING.
Song at the moment: Do Ya Wanna- Franz Ferdinand. Annoying but SO catchy.
Stores: Parasuco, Hollister, American Eagle, French Connection.
Fav phrase/saying:"TRUE." My metrosexual dancer friend always says it and I find myself saying it too.
Movie of the moment: Phantom of the Opera.
TV show: Family Guy
Drink: Iced Tea
Food: Pasta
-- M I S C. --
Show us something funny:
http://www.albinoblacksheep.com/flash/badgerphone.php I know it's been done, but it makes me laugh SO hard, and I have no idea why.
Biggest Pet Peeve: Really closed minded people. I hate it when people's aren't open to new ideas/concepts just because they haven't been exposed to them before.
A lyric to a song, that you believe describes *you* in some way: (please keep it simple, NOT a whole song!) You're just one more handmedown, cause no ones' tried to give you what you need. Lay all your troubles down, I am with you now, lay them down on me. -Matchbox Twenty, Hand Me Down.
Most embarassing moment: I was a camp counsellor at a camp last summer, and the canoe instructor, a nice 40 year old guy, had been my swimming teacher since I was seven. I was in the main house, changing into pyjamas, (aka I had no shirt on!) and he came in looking for this other person, and saw me topless. I screamed SO loud, and he thought it was hysterical and told everyone.
Name 5 things you can't live without: Friends, family, cell phone, coffee, journal.
Tell us 1 crazy fact about yourself:Ummm.... I'm obsessed with England, and my bedspread & pillowcases are union jacks.
Who is your celebrity obsession ( pics are nice ) & why: Rex Goudie
Um, look at him! Seriously though, he grew up in Newfoundland, which is where I spend every summer, so his songs are really personal to me.
Tell us a few goals you have in life:
1) To really make a difference in at least one person's life.
2)To experience more than just the everyday modern world. (Travel more)
3)To be successful because I worked my way up and earned it.
-- C O M M U N I T Y --
What makes you stand out for you to think your Sexc_Biotch material: I love being active in communities, and I think this one is awesome.
Look at the member list, and pick 2 members & 1 MOD and say something nice about them: piink_flirt: I LOVE your hair. And I agree that beer pong & shopping are sports! & sariebeth88 is really awesome, 'cause I kinda know her from LJ, and she's great. =)
What makes you want to be part of this community and what do you feel you can add to this community ? The active-ness! And all the members seem really cool. I like to participate in contests etc, and I think I could come up with new ideas for superlatives etc.
We all are a very close community & friends, unlike others, do you feel you would get along with everyone and add to the closeness ? I think I could. I like making friends, including on LJ, 'cause it's cool to have friends all over North America.
How about the MAINTAINER & MODS....... anything nice you would like to say about them: summers_kiss722, I think your tattoo (in your main pic) is really hot. And kixsgc, you're so pretty!
How's the app/layout/colors/banners in your opinion: I do like them, I think it would be cool if you added more. I'd try to make some, but I really, REALLy suck at graphics!
How did you find this community or/ who invited you to join ( make sure u put there lj name, that way they are credited for there promoting ): sariebeth88 for sure ♥
sexc_biotch to 1 one person/community and show the link:
http://x0x-brook3-x0x.livejournal.com/15228.html?thread=110716#t110716If you're accepted, which pic do you want on the members page :
Or one of the ones below, I don't mind much.
Now post 3 or more clear pics:
(on right)
7 salute!