so here i go....

Oct 31, 2005 23:44

first of all....hope everyone had a safe and happy halloween...remember some people wear costumes for a reason! wrap it up! yeeeeeeeeeeeeeah

so here's the scoop...

like i said in my last entry, i am heading overseas for military reasons. I am in the texas national guard to be more specific and we have been activated to serve on a peacekeeping mission. (read quotations) its in the egypt region and its not iraq thank goodness but we all know that whole area is ca-RAZY!! anyways i will be training at ft hood for the next few months, til the end of the year. I get a thanksgiving and christmas break but not sure about any times in between that. after that i will head overseas in january sometime...exciting i know.

anyways hopefully i can stay in touch with everyone on here and elsewhere, feel free to leave me comments or your email address in some way or another and i will contact you soon. hopefully i will be able to give you some updates while i am at ft hood and over there as we are supposed to have a decent internet connection from afar.

i will miss you all and hope to see you all soon

the sexbotsuperstar signing out for now!
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