May 19, 2005 21:06

so 2day got up and fink i updated coz i am soo hooked because of sumone(cinderstheslag)!! neways fort id update as i had a frikin wkd day! went round emmas, waited a while 4 her sis 2 get ready! she drove us to town! we decided 2 stop at mcdonalds as i was feelin abit peckish and was loosing energy as i had not had my maccers of the day yet! neway we were sittin in der n den suddenly realised we were gna mis d film 'The jacket' so we pelted at full blast to the ugc, nearly got run ova a few times bt o well we got there on tym in the end! n we wntd 2 get in 4 cheaper so we sed we 15! bt shw wntd ID 2 prove we were 15 coz she fort we were younger! lyk OMG do i lyk look frikin 14 such a fukin insult dt frickin blind bitch! neway saw the film bt had no idea it was linked to the war n shit, it gt btr bt nt a film i would c agen as i was slightly confused at the end! den dis really skanky tall man approached us wen everybody left and emma nearly passed out coz she fort he had a knife bt it was in fact a rolled up bit of paper and he invited us to church on sunday morning, we were lyk chrz! den we kinda ran out pretty scared coz he lookd lyk a ragger!

Den we ended up back at macdonalds den at the debenhams sale ware samantha poked me on the back da hardest lyk twice to get my attention! ow sam! lol.

O havnt got my prom dress yet damn!

Den maccie D's agen, then home! o den bought sum pic n mix 4 da bus journay home u know how hungry ppl can get on those long journays home init??

wow essay dint fink i could write dis much,

Vic fo if u cum on live journal ill meet u 2moz at 10 2 9 4 da eng revision if u r goin on comment so dt i am aware to meet u k??

Neways peace out!
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