May 19, 2004 19:18
heres some poems i made...tell me if u like em....?
I look up at the stars at night n I think about how u promised me forever…
You told me we wod never be apart but u lied like the others…
How cod u ever be soo cold?
Maybe its my fault but u shod have been there wen I needed u….
Boy ure crazy to think I was the fool cuz u played me n it fell threw…
#I know about her “boy”#
%I know how u played me%
{I know that I was the fool}
-I know u weren’t fo real-
+I shod have {seen} it coming+
*But like the others I was falling--->
Im a gurl who loves u{yes its true}
Im a gurl who treats u rite{yea}
Im a gurl who’s there for u{uhu}
Im a gurl who never plays{yup}
*+*But that gurl changed when u played her*+*
When everything perfect…I wanna be better
When everything’s sad I’m +crying+
But when ure not here im Dying
How come everything u do makes me happy?
How come everything u say makes me fell better?
How come everything u touch gives me shivers?
But why arnt u here wen I need u?
I cryed today
I cryed yesterday
Im crying right now
But that’s ok im gonna be alright….
Don’t lie to me cuz I wanna know the truth
Don’t play me boi cuz u might get played
Don’t tell me im perfect cuz im not
Don’t say ull be there
When ure NOT
U played me
U lied
U gave me crap
U silly boi
U shod never play me
Cuz I might do something ill regret like…
~BeLiEvE yOu~