Mar 30, 2005 15:36
read the entire new palanuick novel, Diary, today. OK so not so new anymore, but still new to me. That man is the master of dark humor and tragic beauty and vauguely nihilistic philosophical ramblings. He just has this totally unique style and.. ignore me, im kvelling.
anyway, had a minor claustrophobia/air sickness induced freak out on the plane (why do those damn people take for-freaking-ever to get their asses off?), but got home to beautiful weather and nirvana on my ipod and life was good. O, plus 2 scholarships and 3 college acceptances.. I should go on vacation more often.
Anyway, I have a psych test in 2 hours on 2 chapters which ive yet to read, but its so nice out i just want to go for a picnic.
ooh, and my mars volta tickets came. WOoT!
anyway, this entry is dedicated to ross and frank, the two best friends a girl could over hope for. Who else would drive to DC and back 3 times in one weekend for some girl they hadn't seen in a year and a half? Yall rock my world. Seeing everyone again was awesome, but I now have a driving need to find firefly on DVD. damn you!!
alright, gots to study for real
peace out.