In With The New

Apr 13, 2004 22:44

Well the mood today quite differs from the previous for today I'm overwhelmed with sexual innuendos...

Now relax. I'm not horny... just feeling more passion towards everything I do. I'm just one big ball of passion, -color, life, fervor, emotion... It's a constant fluctuation that at times drives me to the borderline and others doesn't allow me to catch up with myself.

I think it all began with one idea... the dress. First I wanted to go with a more classic appeal -something more or less Grace Kelly would wear or anyone considered of the classic 1950's glamour; not to say I look anything like Grace Kelly because I DON'T, but I just wanted something around that area of taste. Anywho, as time passed and the "classic" dress hung in my closet for months I became a little more enfatuated with a more risky idea and so, the passion in me has grown into a ravenous sexual vixen -wanting to test my limits within the boundaries of class.

Ooo how exciting! I know the color, I know the style, I know the make-up -I can see it in my head, but then again, I don't want to get too excited just yet because I wouldn't want to set myself up for a dissapointment (Damn The Neon Green Bra!!!).

Either way, sex sells... "Y mas rapido se coje un mentiroso que a un cojo corriendo."

And that ladies and gentlemen is the thought for the day.
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