
Jul 09, 2005 03:08

again... jessica, rainxtoday = love.

ta da... ode to mark twain-
DB Alyz: i had sex with tom sawyer
rainxtoday: what..
rainxtoday: who's tom sawyer
rainxtoday: that little boy in the book?
DB Alyz: the guy from the books... you know.
DB Alyz: exactly
rainxtoday: where did you meet him?
DB Alyz: on the mighty mississippi
rainxtoday: that a ship?
DB Alyz: no.... the river, silly
DB Alyz: he was taking a dip with huckleberry finn
rainxtoday: nakie?
DB Alyz: yup
rainxtoday: hawt
DB Alyz: and i... being becky. couldn't resist that hot piece of ass
rainxtoday: lmao
rainxtoday: hot fucking all
DB Alyz: so i got nakie, and hopped in with them.
DB Alyz: and then tom and i had sex.
DB Alyz: the end.
rainxtoday: what about huck
rainxtoday: he was the effin hawtie
DB Alyz: huck... well huck had a funny name. so i decided to go with the normal named one.
DB Alyz: and plus. tom and i grew up together.
rainxtoday: huck
rainxtoday: huc
rainxtoday: k
rainxtoday: chuk
rainxtoday: fuck..
DB Alyz: haha
rainxtoday: id fuck huck
rainxtoday: he's rugged
DB Alyz: then we could be like... woah.
rainxtoday: totally
rainxtoday: foursome
DB Alyz: haha

sooo i was doing the random responces part of my website last night and i decided to fuck with this guys mind...

DB Alyz: i'm watching my cat poop
GLP215: thats fun
GLP215: i guess
GLP215: who is this?
DB Alyz: ta-ta-ta-tanya
GLP215: ?
DB Alyz: i'm watching my cat poop
GLP215: ok
GLP215: how did u get my sn
GLP215: ?
DB Alyz: say my name! say my fucking name. biitch.
GLP215: ???
DB Alyz: ta-ta-ta-tanya
GLP215: who is this?
DB Alyz: ta-ta-ta-tanya
GLP215: how did get my s/n?
DB Alyz: say my name! say my fucking name. biitch.
GLP215: how the fuck did u get my s/n?
DB Alyz: ta-ta-ta-tanya
GLP215: that doesnt answer the question
DB Alyz: ta-ta-ta-tanya

christina, randomcow also =love.

mylollip0p: when i looked at this shirt.. i thought of you
mylollip0p: http://www.hollisterco.com/webapp/wcs/stores/servlet/ProductDisplay?catalogId=10201&storeId=10251&parentCategoryId=12552&categoryId=12614&productId=231678&langId=-1
DB Alyz: LOL, i love you!
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