And just what are you looking at?

May 06, 2009 09:36

Ok, What is the big deal with girly boys wearing a skirt. I don't get why it's such a big deal it's an article of clothing it's just like pants or shorts.So i don't get why people have such an issue with a guy in a skirt. There are a lot of guys who come up to me, an tell me how brave i am......look I'm not brave I'm comfy. I feel good about who I am at all times i feel good in a skirt so i wear one and fuck ANYONE who wants to say otherwise! I mean what can you say really? "Oh young man that skirt offends me" why why dose it how dose it what is it in your life that's so bad about this skirt? Look if you don't have the balls to wear a skirt, don't hate me because i do. Don't try to give me a bad time just because you can't muster up the guts to feel comfortable.

Look, I'm gay i get it I really do but nothing i say or do will make me more or less so. So saying wearing a skirt makes me more gay...ok sooo dose wearing pants makes me more straight?

Look I'm comfy in what I'm comfy in k
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