Hide the key cuz i'm comming over to settle the score

Apr 18, 2009 06:01

Ok , big thing First. I was the Easter bunny his year for our local mall( fun fun silly willy) and it actualy wasn't that bad i got paid to sit on my ass/ got to be in a fursuit. One would think this to be a killer thing but no it wasn't 100% wounderful. We had what i like to call screamers kids who are tarrified of the easter bunny. Now i Have no issues with mum and dad wanting a picture of thire kid with the easter bunny what i have a problem with is when thire child is yeling at the top of thire lungs to get away from me. In fact a mother asked her child if he wanted to sit with the easter bunny he said no mum then went on to say well mommy wants the pictuere so we're gunna do it anyway. Needless to say the kid lost it, so parents can i ask you sommat. WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU?!
But whatever you want to see your kid screaming in a picture thats really your affair so anyway oon o beigger and better things My suit is amost done which i'm very happy about I've pour my energy to sommat positive (running) which can be a lot of fun when i  have my ipod with me and just go it's killer!  Oh yeah and i'm getting really happy about  AC! Last year was good but this year is gunna be better I'm SO NOT gunna have lunch with uncle kage or 2, well maybe 2 was cool and calm we talked for a spell...but dude kage talks in books. I'm serious  like i looked at him for 15  minutes trying to figure out  where the fuck i was in the conversation. i was amazed that he could talk soo much with out pausing.
anyway I've got to go on my jog ttyl
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