I used to stole your money 8'D

Nov 11, 2010 23:01

Long time no post (?)

I'm working hard on commissions, so even if I manage the time to draw my stuff and other's stuff, I still feel like having time-for-nothing, but probably it's something common.
Anyway, few weeks ago, Alessa-K from DA asked for a sketch commission, she told me about a commission I've made before for her, which I remembered because I'm not used to draw three-characters in the same picture for sketch commiss, generally I'm asked to draw solo or pairings, well, the thing is that even if I knew about that old drawing, I didn't look at it... until now.

This is from a year and a half ago (2008):

...and this is the commission I've done today(2010) for Alessa:

I think I don't have to tell which characters I've drawn xD, but seriously WTF, I wouldn't buy anything from me at that time, are(or were) you people NUTS? How can you pay for something THAT fugly? OH, THE HORROR. Not that my actual sketches are the best shit in this world, but I think there's some improvement...clearly OTL  I feel like I used to stole your money at that time, I mean, commissioners's money.

Oh dude, I just wanted to share this with you, even if no one read this 8D
Now, I'm gonna shot myself for being an ass and used to sell THAT crap. I CAN'T BELIEVE IT, OH GOOOOOOOD. kill me plz.

Well, enough with the break, time to keep working. OSU!


improvement, commission, fail

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