Nov 04, 2004 12:23
Hello...Well Lets see Last weekend on friday i hung out with jenny jon xstina and danielle....
Saturday was a looooong day. UM...I worked till 6 that day so afterwards Dan came over and we went and saw SAW omg i love that movie. Then while the electracuting part is going on my phone vibrates i dont know the #it scared the shit out of the movie i saw it was yeah me n dan got my car n went to jennys then back to jons ...dan left so me n jen n jon went to josh's for a second....jenny SAID she was staying at my house....So i dropped jenny and jon off at jons and went and hung out with julian till like 4:30 AM...that was fun..then i picked up miss jenny and we got dunkin donuts and waited to see if mommy left..Then we decided to go back to my house so i could shower and we could sleep...needless to say i got an HOUR of sleep....then we went back to her house where we thought no one would ever wake up and it would never get any later.And i hung out with jenny and jon on halloween and heavy D decided not to join in on the fun!
Monday i hung out with jennny and her dan came out and we went to cortneys...i dont remember.YES we did bc i was playing with my hair in jenny room lol...
Tuesday i had work but Jenny and Dan visited me and gave me some of their applefridder...yumm...i love those girls THE CULT..((haha jenny)).♥...Then i met up with them and jon at target after work...and i went home
Wednesday i got in a fight with my mom..that stupid bitch...yeeeah then me and jenny hung out we visited julian at petsmart and went to jons at 9...we got CAPPICHINIS! hahaha.....AND Thats all folks..
Who knows what this weekend will bring...but mine starts today since i got out early EXCEPT that i have work a 3:45 and its cold and rainy outside YUCK...tomorrow will be fun if all works out as planned...
♥ love & hate always, Briana