Aug 11, 2004 02:16
ok so i got my new car.. but reality is starting to slap me in the face.
im stressed to fuck about finding a job, getting my GED, making payments for my car..
i need an exit, someone to goto to get out of this..
if i dont find a job in 30 days, my car gets taken away.
if i dont goto ged classes twice a week i get fined $1000.
if i get a job at a tattoo shop, i get kicked out.
i want / need a girl. the girl i like doesnt want me to like her i guess.
i need supportive friends, not "friends" who talk shit about having feelings.
i need a good job, that pays 8-10 an hour, i dont understand why it is so hard to find a fucking job, i hope i get a job somewhere, maybe at this pizza place that is opening up.
i need to be loved, i need to cuddle, need to embrace someone, anybody.
i need a sholder to cry on, how can getting such a good thing make life even harder, if i knew i was going to be this stressed i would have kept my explorer.
i just want someone to love and to be loved from, be that somebody.