This year seems to be going by really quickly and I've been meaning to pen my thoughts down here for the longest time but... after going through my photos I came to realize that for a long while now I have seem to gone 'camera-shy'!! But i manage to grab a few photos and have them up- finally- to blog about my more recent times and as I feel like a noob right now trying to figure out how to resize my images all over again and... (okay enough witht he ranting) know I'm pretty tempted to switch over to blogspot for this very reason... Hmm...
Moving along... I'm finally done with school and well I'm pretty much bumming around now feeling pretty sloth-like/relaxing/living up to the couch potatoe me soaking up the 'sun' through my heavily radiated home of gaming devices... Well that and the scorching hot weather outside that I call 'global warning hot!' I've been finding a thousand and one reasons not to work but since I'm choosing not to continue with my degree-huge debate here-so... that means I have to get my lazy ass outta the house and work! geesus.. Wishing there was some way I could avoid having the trouble to go through interviews and stuff like that... Have no idea what I should be working as.. Know I swear I had a million things I wanted to blog about tonight but thanks to the bothersome uploading of photos it has thrown my patience along with my train of thoughts out the window.. Well I have been blogging privately for a long time now and since I'm more relaxed now.. maybe its time for me to come outta my shell and start shedding!! Lately I seem to be having the life drained out of my and becoming this hollow shell without any personality! I have no idea what's become of me or how I even got to this state but I just need to get out of my comfort zone and just do something bout it! Yeh, I know how lame that sounds but honestly I'm sick of the me now and I guess I mean to say that I'm ready for change! Wait let me take that back.. I might need to prep myself summore bout this.. but yeh you know what I mean!! Hopefully someday I might manage to find peace with myself...