Steve's looking over my shoulder

Apr 20, 2004 00:43

I had a fun day today. I went to work from 4:30 to 8. Got home slept. And now I feel like I just had two days. I then went to country boy. Was suppose to meet kim dave and terra but there but end up hanging out with dave tim and becky. Ryan and Michelle came up and so did Carlee.

I have a dentist appt tomorrow. It's a new dentist. I have to make sure they have "Mr. Nose" (N2O- Nitrous Oxide). Steve had to help me with the stupid crossing to see where the 2 went. Stupid Chem.

Autumn! I heard somewhere that Hollywood is thinking of making "Me Talk Pretty One Day" into a movie starring Kevin Spacey. I too enjoy that book. I personally like the main characters brother. "The Rooster."

Did you all know that the libray has movies! Good ones. Free ones. One you have to return, but like all the book you where too lazy to return can just pile up... And they are on DVD. They have Jesus Christ Superstar. I want to have a Jesus night! We could get drunk and watch it. Rock and/or Roll

Steve kinda scares me...

Latley he has been watching lesbian movies. Well just Kissing Jessica Stien. 'It's the only thing on..'

Sure it is...

Carlee Witcome came proposed such an intersting question to Kate in that ask me 3 questions posting.

"What if everyone around the world all sneezed and farted at the same time?"

Well this question brought to mind a Theory. Better known as the Chaos Theory.

In this is the Butterfly-Effect.

The "Butterfly Effect" is the propensity of a system to be sensitive to initial conditions.Such systems over time become unpredictable,this idea gave rise to the notion of a butterfly flapping it's wings in one area of the world,causing a tornado or some such weather event to occur in another remote area of the world.

Thus bringing me to the conclusion that we would all die!

Hurricans, Tornados, Avalanches, Earthquakes, Typhoons.. you name it. It would be crazy!

I liked that question.

Intersting fact time!

The Hi-five is traced back all the way to the anchient romans.

I called my grandma the other day. Apparently my Aunt is voting for Bush this year. The one I don't like. Oh god. She pisses me off. My grandma is going to waste her vote and vote green.

I hate my Aunt. She is one of those re-born again christians. Personally I think she'll be christian as long as the church gives her money. Because she is stupid and poor and won't get a job "because her kids need her." Instead she'd rather use up all my grandma's money. She went out and bought a new truck put a 3000 dollar system in it and then told my g-ma she can't afford it and that she'll have to help her pay for it. How fucking dumb. Selfish bitch. She not only hordes money off of her but also our government, through welfare. And then she has the gull to call herself a republican! Well atleast she has the stupid part down but she's pretty far off from the money aspect to be a republican.

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