11:25 and I'm not in bed... Tisk tisk

Jan 13, 2004 23:25

So today was a busy day.

Got a verbal beat-down from Mr. Smith (for dumb reasons that I won't go into) today, right in the middle of the hallway. He sure knows how to scare his students into thinking they're wrong. Thank God I didn't have his class that day, it definitely would have sucked for me. I have him first tomorrow morning though :\

I showed Caroline my nifty shirt during Spanish. :) :)

Uhh I stayed after school and got SO much work done. Good for me! When I got home I talked till like 8 and then got to work on my little speech and posters for my visual and everything. Got all that done. My project looks decent now. :)

Hmmm I missed the girls JV and Varsity game but I've been to like all the home games besides this one.

Tomorrow that sexy biatch Caroline is coming over my house after school! But my house is such a mess. :(
We're just gonna hang out at my house until 5ish, then we're dropping her off at the elementary school and picking up Kara for dance class.

...Dance class. I haven't stretched, I don't remember the choreography we learned, and I'm just sore all over from God knows what. We'll see how that class turns out.

And then uhh I'll be home around 9:30.
Homework till 11-12, then it's lights out.

This weeks feels like it's goin by fast! I wish I could get more sleep during the week though, I always end up dozing off in History and Math.

Oh yeah today I got a lunch detention from Mr. Girardi. So did Caroline. We got it for being in Mr. Girardi's room for like 30 seconds during break. ...No comment on that. Anyways we spent it with Ryan in Mr. Silver's room and just talked the whole time.

I found out that my best buddy Nate and Jamie were at the Eaglebrook basketball game last night. They left before I got there, but they saw part of the game so during our first class we were talking about the players on the team and stuff.

Yeah now I'm feeling guilty cause I know I'm gonna fall asleep in class again tomorrow, so I'm heading to bed now.

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