
Jul 19, 2006 01:00

Who: Anyone who's a little blue ( Read more... )

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csi_nick_stokes July 19 2006, 16:21:36 UTC
Nick had been promising to take Greg out all week.
Of course with their work schedual it was hard to find a time when both of them were off, so they settled for going after work, some place laid back, but where they could still technically call it a date.

They walked into the bar, and Nick immediatly looked around for a place to sit. Unfortunatly all the dark corners were taken.
He continued looking, but then his eyes fell on two familiar figured sitting at the bar.
He groaned. Did Grissom show up everywhere just to bother him?


___greggo July 19 2006, 16:45:46 UTC
Greg was in a pretty good mood, he had to say. Sure, work had been getting tiring, he had been taking overtime left and right, but it would all pay off in his next paycheck, and he had tomorrow off and was looking forward to doing nothing but getting drunk with Nick.

Although, when he saw Angie and Grissom sitting at the bar, before taking in their sad faces, before taking in Nick's groan, he immediately perked up even more. The more the merrier, yeah? But, as Greg began to recall their recent track record, that wasn't always the case.

So, before running over to say hello as he would have normally done, Greg nudged Nick lightly in the ribs, looking at him as if to say, We can leave if you want to.


csi_nick_stokes July 19 2006, 17:06:24 UTC
Nick ran a hand through his hair.
"Sorry. We can stay, it's just..." They were finally out, Nick wasn't going to ruin Greg's evening just because he couldn't let go of a stupid grudge. "We can stay."
He resisted the urge to grab onto Greg's hand as they began walking over.


___greggo July 19 2006, 17:44:33 UTC
Greg gave him a small reassuring smile. "Okay." Maybe now everything would cool down and they'd all be able to get on with their lives, old grudges put aside. It sounded very nice.

They approached Angie and Gil from behind, and Greg sat down on the stool next to Grissom, motioning for Nick to sit down next to him. He leaned over, shooting Angie and Gil one of this typical manic smiles. "Was there a sign outside advertising free beer for CSIs or something?"


a_halliwell July 19 2006, 18:37:06 UTC
Angie smiled as the couple approached, watching them as they sat down, "If there was I missed it, but I want in on it." She offered a smile, trying to douse her foul mood with humor.

"What brings you two in tonight? Well, besides the supposedly free alcohol." She grinned, glancing at Gil briefly then looked back down at Greg.


csi__grissom July 19 2006, 23:20:14 UTC
Gil brought his head around at the sound of Angie's voice. He hadn't heard anyone approach, and he hoped it was just Greg. He couldn't handle another confrontation from Nick tonight, not on top of everything else.

His bleary gaze caught first Greg, and then beyond him, Nick, not looking all that happy to see him. What did he expect after all? He'd poached Greg for a weekend, and it was highly disrespectful of him for doing so, even if it was at Greg's behest. "Free Beer? I got bourbon. Bartender!" Gil waved at Red, and almost unseated himself.


___greggo July 19 2006, 23:53:18 UTC
Greg grinned at Angie's question. "Are you kidding? The only reason I would ever spend time with Nick Stokes is if there was a promise of free booze." Greg shot Nick a smile, nudging him playfully in the ribs and trying to make him feel more comfortable.

He then bemusedly turned his gaze to Grissom, who was practically falling out of his chair, and as he tried to hail the bartender, Greg lifted up his hands reflexively, as if he was preparing himself to catch his boss.

When the bartender arrived, Greg ordered a beer for both him and Nick, before his expression became one more of vague concern. But he was grinning again as he reached over, stealing Gil's bourbon before he could notice it and downing it quickly. "Maybe you should take a break?" He said, grinning again. "I'll buy you another one a bit later."


csi__grissom July 20 2006, 00:17:48 UTC
Grissom pouted as Greg stole his drink. He looked morosely into the empty glass and frowned. "Mine. You cheated. No fair!" He sounded like a petulant 3 year old. If Greg wasn't smiling at him, he'd have sworn he'd snagged the drink to be a meanie. "You buy me too, two, or I'll....." He couldn't think of a good threat.

Maybe he'd had too much too fast. He wasn't going to admit passing his limit though. He was an adult, and their senior. He could do what he damn well pleased. Greg wasn't his mother. Gil smiled, the thought of Greg in one of his Mother's dresses had him feeling all giggly.


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