Doesn't everyone love a good murder?

Jul 02, 2006 10:01

So I look at things in other people’s relationships and I see what I don’t want. Sure there are aspects that I like but for the most part it’s depressing. And I know that all the time people are saying “I don’t want that”, “That will never be me” but what if it is. What if you end up in something that you didn’t want? Isn’t it inevitable? I hope not.
Can you judge something by how much you miss it? If you really don’t notice it’s gone is it because it wasn’t really that important? Course they do say that you don’t know what you’ve got til it’s gone. And everything you have seems better when you don’t have it. But really, I think that you can miss something a lot and then it fades with time. But some things don’t. And that’s when you know it’s one of the most important things in your life.
It’s said that there are things people can say that will make everything seem/be better. Now is it just the words? I don’t think so. A bum could say them and you’d be confused. But if the person you love or a dear friend said them, they would make all the difference in the world. Then your next thought is what words make things better for you? I mean, I’ve never really had someone not a part of the troubling situation saying something FIX it, but can they calm my anxiety( which I’ve realized I have a bit of…I’m always over thinking..damn) or make me feel safer etc.
There are times when the well of words just runs the fuck dry. And I know you readers LOVE the long posts. You enjoy the random rambles that go everywhere and nowhere. But I ask you audience, you tell me something you’d like me to write about. I really can’t think of much. Hell, I’ll be lucky if I can take this entry to another paragraph. But if you have an idea, comment on this sorry entry and perhaps I’ll use it the next time I write. Course, if I know anything, I know people( OK, mostly just Americans) are lazy. And I shall get no comments relating to what I just talked about.
Speaking of, this is something completely different- I think I’m really starting to like the soccer. Or “football” as you will. Was I going for the US you ask? FUCK NO! We needed to get our non belonging asses out of there damn fast. I’d love England to get it but they are notorious for fucking up last minute. Brazil and France should be an awesome match…*sigh* I have no life.
Is there something wrong with NOT having a deep dark secret? I mean sure, there are all those physical things( like picking your nose) that plenty of people do when no one is around but I mean those “real” secrets. If you don’t have something you’ve never told a soul, does that make you less of a well rounded person? Like maybe you should keep something secret just so one day you can tell someone? Who doesn’t like to talk to someone, either a friend or a significant other, and hear them say “I’ve never told this to anyone”? It makes you feel amazing, that you are trustworthy, that you can listen and you were deemed worthy to hear a secret. Now, do you think there’s an internal panel that judges these secrets as they are told to us? I mean, if you build it up, it has to be good right? No one wants a let down. And doesn’t everyone want a victim. Not being able to say no or stop when someone is hurting you becomes rape. A split second of wondering what it’d be like to slit someone’s throat open becomes almost committing murder. Everyone has to spice it up, as soon as it’s told. Or maybe, even in our heads we get these delusions of grandeur. We build ourselves up to be the ever tragic hero that we yearn to be. Because lets face it, the thing people love more than the filthy rich are the underdogs with pluck and courage. So we embellish. Or we keep our mouths shut and don’t say anything. We talk about how we have no secrets, we tell all. And really, some of us do. Maybe out of a need to be close and feeling over sharing right away makes you closer faster. Or maybe we just get excited and want to talk about ourselves non stop. Or maybe, those things that should be kept secret just have no real weight to you. And lets face it, as most of the people on the internet DON’T know each other, you aren’t really “telling” people. It’s much more impersonal to tell things on-line. Even though it could be taken and copy and pasted to everyone you know by a vicious enemy. So really readers, how strong is a secret? And is someone who embellishes, like our would be rape victim, do they need to shut up? Do you have a deep dark secret?
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