(no subject)

May 22, 2005 11:32

okay last night was the greatest!
erins house was so fun.
trevor was so sweet.
stephanie was so funny. when we woke up this morning at 8:00, she randomly rolls over 4 other girls to get right on me, so i say "what are you doing?" then after a pause,she says, "spooooning."
It was hilarious.
There was a huge june bug in the house last night so mary freaks out, makes an angry face, and says "but its maY! theres no such thing as a maybug! its not right!!"
then steph killed the bug. twice.
then when me,beverly,megan, and abbey are in the tent,stephanie runs in and throws the dead june bug at us and it goes into beverly's mouth. and later that night beverly peed on her foot.
mary rubbed herself down with canola oil and pam spray and put whipped cream in her belly button, and she gave erin a lapdance. enough said.
the pool was so cold. ouch.
mary went streaking in the back yard and the neihgbor popped out of nowhere and was like "hey! what r ya doin?!"
me and beverly peed in the yard 4 times each, and beverly's peeing sounds like a waterfall.
if stephanie and i's vaginas were animals they would be beavers.
if trevors penis was a car it would be a hummer.
shelby walks downstaurs this morning, looks at megan and says, "oh my god, you look so ugly" then everyoine is like "omg shelby!" then she says "what? she lookes like she just died!"
rachel has really big boobs that bounce when she plays ddr.
burnash pushed me in the pool; he will regret it someday very soon.
ethan ran through us in a very rude manner, then here come shelby and is very polite and says excuse me and sorry, so i say "oh what a nice girl" just as the words leave my mouth she runs over to ethan, does some matrix move and beats ethan in the head at least 17 times.

this is all for now. farewell for another 2 months.

<3 bonniE>
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