The Pursuit of Excellence v Moving Goal posts

Mar 17, 2009 13:27

High achieving Lori Phanachone may be expelled from school because she refuses to take the English Language Development Assessment Test. School officials claim that she has to prove that she's literate by taking and passing that test. She's got a 3.9 GPA.

Phanachone, who was born in California and lived in upstate New York before moving to Storm ( Read more... )

current events, discrimination

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Comments 13

buria_q March 17 2009, 19:07:43 UTC
yikes. thanks for posting this up. i can totally picture the officials and what they're like.


skywardprodigal March 17 2009, 19:23:11 UTC
You're welcome.


delux_vivens March 17 2009, 19:14:45 UTC
This couldnt possibly be racist, I mean, what with Obama being president!


skywardprodigal March 17 2009, 19:16:14 UTC

"I will not disrespect my culture or my mother."

I think that's what they're punishing.


(The comment has been removed)

skywardprodigal March 17 2009, 20:49:52 UTC
Maybe because she's not being Rosa Parks?

Like how some of us who snap in public, or use a rough tone, or don't speak according to utmost diplomacy are punished for not being like Gandhi, or Buddha, or Jesus Christ, or any other person that ended up murdered for speaking truth to power anyway?


kmd March 17 2009, 22:55:46 UTC

Bilingual = her brain works better than yours and always will.



skywardprodigal March 18 2009, 03:45:22 UTC
There ya go.


la_vie_noire March 17 2009, 23:40:55 UTC
Seiously, people are idiots. She is having amazing grades because she is doing her best and that's what she gets. Assholes.


skywardprodigal March 18 2009, 03:45:53 UTC
Yep. Obama makes Harvard Law Review, he's uppity. Palin goes to six different schools...NO COMMENT.


oyceter March 17 2009, 23:52:48 UTC
Asshats! Have they seriously thought about HOW MANY students they probably have when English was not their first language but is still the one they're most proficient in? Like me and probably a million other POC in CALIFORNIA!

Also, I feel they should change the wording to "what language you are proficient in" as opposed to "first language" or "language most spoken at home."


skywardprodigal March 18 2009, 03:46:42 UTC
Like me and probably a million other POC in CALIFORNIA!

I wouldn't be surprised if they are terrified of having more than 1 person like her in their schools. Yellow peril ain't dead.

I think when I was graduating, there was a list for languages spoken at home. I think I put down three. Those were the ones fluently spoken if not by everyone in the household.


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