Jun 21, 2006 20:44
its weird how things can go so far astray
and then somehow always revert back
to the same general pattern after things calm down.
its like theres always a constant amidst all the chaos
and we never really realize it until we take a moment and just relax.
things work themselves out.
so news?
1. jason and i are back together, finally, and hopefully this time it will be final.
it seems that we've both been taking a great deal more precautions to ensure this time our relationship will be MUCH different,
and the space between us is at this point in time helping us keep to certain boundaries.
i think.
god its weird how sometimes love just never fades. no matter what is going on.
it definitely trips me out that we're still in love after some of the shit that has gone on.
2. also, i got a job again. i havent worked since mid-march because i was taking time to focus on school.
but i graduated!!!! about a week ago, and since then have started a new job at macaroni grill as a hostess.
its nothing too complicated, but im hoping to get promoted to a waitress when i turn 18,
and until then its a job with money and some sort of consistancy. VERY SIMPLE!
3. ive been a little less stressed lately. definitely further from the verge of a nervous breakdown.
i found that the more productive i am, the less i worry about how little im doing and how much needs to be done.
it keeps me energized, happier, i feel more useful, and i AM more useful.
its just difficult getting out of that state of laziness and uselessness.
i want to start exercizing more, so i went to a yoga class and starting dance again.
whatever im putting out these days, im getting back 3-fold.
its certainly been a lesson in life.
im making princess a summer bikini tonight so i have to go.
but it was lovely checking in with myself, my journal, and anyone who happens to read this.