Lured back by the meme...

Aug 15, 2016 15:51

I have no idea where this came from. But I will do it anyway, because I am lemming, hear me squeak.

1. Do you like blue cheese?
UGH, no. Even when I could eat cheese, I hated blue cheese. Nasty, moldy stuff.

2. Have you ever smoked?
Yes, actually, during my misspent youth and as a young adult, about a pack a day; menthol, mostly, although when I really wanted to show off I would smoke Sobranies. I could do all the smoke tricks, too. I think I was about 30 when I finally decided it was a nasty, expensive habit - I hated the way it made my clothes smell - and I quit, cold turkey, while I was dating a smoker. Turns out that he was nasty and expensive, too.

3. Do you own a gun?
Yes, but it's a 19th century British police-issue Webley. Bullets are kept separately.

4. What is your favorite flavor?

5. Do you get nervous before doctor visits?
Not usually.

6. What do you think of hot dogs?
Meh - I can take them or leave them. If I do eat them, they have to be smothered in grilled onions or it's no go.

7. Favorite Christmas movie?
Little Women, 1994 version. Hey, it's got snow, so it must be Christmas, right? (I think it's the soundtrack that I love so much, because Christian Bale as Laurie is sort of creepy.)

8. What do you prefer to drink in the morning?
Coffee, dark roast, brewed strong and served Cuban style (a little sugar and milk, beaten to a paste in the cup, then coffee poured over).

9. Do you do push-ups?
Not any more - bursitis in both shoulders. But to be fair, even before bursitis, I could only do one or two.

10. What is your favorite piece of jewelry?
Christian Dior repro earrings of an Art Deco design done in Swarovski Crystal. I've had them for years, and you will have to tear them out of my cold, dead hands.

11. Favorite hobby?
Dancing. Reading. Sewing, on those occasions when I don't actively hate it.

12. Do you have A.D.D.?

13. What is the one thing you hate about yourself?
My tendency to react first, think later.

14. Middle name?

15. Name three thoughts right now?
Who am I? What am I? Why did I cut my hair; I look like a squirrel... (Bonus points for those old enough to know what that is from.)

16. Name 3 drinks you drink regularly.
Water, coffee, carbonated water. And G&T, if I'm being honest.

17. Where's the question?
This one is too deep for me.

18. Current hate right now?
While I can go from zero to furious in about five seconds, I can honestly say that at the moment, I don't really hate anyone. (Except maybe the obvious ones - Justin Bieber, Lindsay Lohan, the horrible digital intestine character that they use for some IBS product. He's a colon with eyes, arms and lips. UGH.

19. Favorite place to be?
Paris, hands down.

20. How do you ring in the New Year?
For a lot of years we celebrated at very large, elaborate historically themed parties, the last couple of years we've been celebrating at small house parties. Always, though, I begin the new year by kissing my long-suffering husband.

21. Where would you like to go?

22. Name three people who will complete this?
I don't know three people who haven't already done it.

23. Do you own slippers?

24. What color shirt are you wearing?
Dark gray, pulled from my colorful wardrobe of gray, more gray, and black.

25. Do you like sleeping on satin sheets?
No; as much as I love silk, silk satin sheets feel slimy to me. Also, not a lot of traction. Take from that what you will.

26. Can you whistle?
Been whistling since I was two years old and was mistaken for a little boy because I was bald on top of my head with a curly Bozo fringe around the side. I can whistle tunes, and I can whistle using my fingers. My mother, G*d love her, always tried to make me stop: "Whistling girls and crowing hens, always come to some bad end."

27. Favorite color?
Deep, dark emerald green

28. Would you be a pirate?
I would make a lousy pirate.

29. What songs do you sing in the shower?
Depends on what I listen to and what gets stuck in my head.

30. Favorite girls name?

31. Favorite boys name?

32. What is in your pocket right now?
Rubber band that I pulled out of one of the cat's mouth because she was chewing it.

33. Last person that made you laugh?
My long-suffering husband.

34. Best toy as a child?
Stuffed toy, a little terrycloth donkey whose name was Honkey Donkey.

35. Worst injury?
Fractured rib when I slipped and fell on a tile floor; ruined my knees at a dance symposium.

36. Where would you love to live?
A small manor house in Sussex. But only if I had enough scratch for servants and upkeep.

37. How many TVs do you have in your house?

38. Who is your loudest friend?
I am happy to say that most of my friends are sort of loud.

39. How many dogs do you have?
None at the moment. Although three cats.

40. Does someone trust you?

41. What's your favorite movie?
Enchanted April.

42. What is your favorite sweet?
Home churned vanilla ice cream.

43. What is your favorite sports team?
While I do follow a few sports with lukewarm interest, I can't say that I actually have a favorite team.

44. What song do you want played at your funeral?
Praetorius, Volte 1.

45. And since that was a morbid note to end on--what is your favorite thing about *yourself*?
I'm as loyal as Old Dog Tray. After all, "grief cannot drive him away."
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