Jan 21, 2012 08:27
I feel like I should explain why I made these white jim-jams, because I can't actually believe it myself. I guess the simplest explanation is that, ike many a woman before me, I fell in love.
With a painting. Hey, don't judge. It happens...
Anyway, it was a portrait of a (sort of whey-faced, if truth be told) lady in a Regency Turquoise-styled rig. And she had a vestie! A wonderful Turkish vestie--and a head wrap! And I decided right there that I wanted to make and wear the vestie and the head wrap.
Decency and common sense dictates that a dress must be worn underneath, and that dress was an Empire-style gown. Et la.
So, I have completed the unpleasant portion of the project, and will now proceed to the things that I actually wanted to do.
All I can say for the dress is: At least it fits.