As a disclaimer, please note that I took myself off one of my medications, Cymbalta, a month ago.
I realized I was a zombie and that I was useless... & after tons of reading online, on my own accord, I took myself off of it cold-turkey with withdrawals, such as brain zaps, nausea, severe headaches & mood swings, engulfing my life.
On the upside, I felt new energy almost immediately & it hasn't waned at all! WOOHOO!
so... Melissa & I FINALLY got around to installing about 85% of our new IKEA kitchen over the weekend!!!
Full gallery here We still have the cosmetic things to do, like the handles for the doors & drawers, toekick plates, filler pieces between the cabinets, & the side cover panels. This Wednesday, the handyman is coming in to install the countertops with his crew. They are sooo heavy.
We bought a new stove last week and bought the matching fridge, dishwasher & microwave cheap from
keatsheart's brother, since they were upgrading their kitchen to stainless.
After all that is done, we will be tiling the backsplash and painting the room a warm orangey tuscan yellow.
Down the road, later this year, a new giant island with barstool seating and other glass front cabinets for the china will be installed. But that's all a matter of $$'s.