Where is your cell phone?.......purse
Your hair ..........bedhead
Your father? ........funny
Your favorite thing? ...........knitting
Your dream last night?....none
Your favorite drink? ...........cokezero
Your dream/goal? ...........balance
The room you are in? ......spacious
Your fear? .........falling
Where do you want to be in 6 years?.....content
Muffins? .............never
One of your wish list items?..........children
Where you grew up? ..........military
The last thing you did? ......coffee
What are you wearing?.......PJ's
Your TV?...........36"
Your pets? ..........seven
Your computer? ......macbookpro
Your life? .........rut
Your mood? .........sleepy
Missing someone? .......Melissa
Your car? ......beetlebug
Favorite store?.....fabric
Your summer? .....gross
Your favorite color? .........raspberry
When is the last time you laughed? ......today
Last time you cried? .......tuesday
Three people who email me? ...........melissa, pop, boss
Three of my favorite foods? .........tomatoes, sushi, toast
Three places I'd rather be right now?........beach, asleep, dreamhouse