Oct 21, 2003 18:49
Blah... I just got up from the computer and wondered around the room for 5 minutes trying to remember why I got up. I felt good yesterday but when I woke up this morning I felt really shitty. My back has been hurting horribly for over week. I've been taking hot baths/showers and Ed's been rubbing it every night, but I think it may have made it worse. If it still hurts at the end of the week we'll go to the spa and if it still hurts I'll go to the Dr. and see if he'll refer me to a chiropractor. I don't want to go to one and I definitely wouldn't be dependent I just need something, stretches??! I went for 3 years without having any medical or dental and I swear I think about it everyday and am thankful for the wonderful medi-cal I have. We went to longs yesterday to see if my Nuvaring came in yet. The guy put it down on the counter and say's OK that'll be $47....whaaat!!! I just gave him this look and shook my head no...I was so shocked...he said you have insurance?....shook my head yes. Jesus Christ, $47 bucks a month for birthcontrol!!! that's crazy.
I dunno if I mentioned these 2 things before.... I stopped shaving my arms.Wheew... I haven't had arm hair in yeeears.I started doing it because my sister did, but since I'm naturally blond I don't have any visible arm hair, I just kept doing it so it wouldn't be prickly. And this is a big one. I haven't bit my nails in a month. I dunno how I finally stopped. I've been biting them since I've had teeth. My Mom used to think the baby-sitter was cutting my nails too short. Anyway this is amazing :) I have no urge to whatsoever. They aren't long or anything, I file em down everyday, they are flimsy and snag easily. It's OK though, I have no use for long nails(except to scratch Ed's back and they are long enough for that) and have never had them past my finger tips. The real reward is no more "my fingers hurt why did I bite them so short" .
It wasn't enough that I felt like shit at work, I had to have thee 2 worst dogs. I clipped a German Shepherd that looked like it was in good shape but was actually very old and wouldn't stand up for anything, kinda hard to shave,wash,and dry a dog that wont stand. Especially when I have my boss and prairie telling me to make it stand. Goddamnit!! don't you think I tried! I kill my back lifting the back of it up and then it's front legs just collapse. the icing on the cake though, was when I lifted its tail to shave the back of its legs and worms were coming out of its butt. Eww fucking eewww gross. then I did a lil shitzu lhasa mix and while I was blow-drying it on the table it shat!!! WTF? not cool. It was slow, so I got to leave about and hour early. Ed picked me up and he got me some orange juice and dayquil which has made me feel better and is the reason I haven't passed out. I really should take a nap since Ed's at work but I don't want to waste the day.
Do not buy McGriddles. All I've had to eat today was half of one and I'm still feeling nauseous from it.Gah even thinking about it makes me want to hurl.Welp I'm gonna finish my picture frame and possibly draw.When Ed gets home he's gonna put together the pumpkin carving pics and print em out, to add to our album.
*EDIT: must sleep