Nov 22, 2008 23:00
Thanks to a combination of Amanda and my desire to stall working on my essay, I will do this. However, I don't think I know 8 people who still use LJ, so I'll just transplant it over to Facebook and make life easier for everyone.
Tagging Meme Rules:
A . Each tagged person must post 8 things about themselves on their journal.
B. At the end, you have to choose and tag 8 people.
1. I don't like eating in restaurants. It's not really anything I can understand or explain, but I often get awkward in there and feel sick. But if it's important enough or I see no way out of it I'll deal with it. Eating at other peoples' houses is also questionable.
2. From the ages of 11 to 19, I bowled in a league. By the end, my average was about 155, which is not great but not bad either.
3. I've written and drawn several funny comics in my time, despite a total lack of notable artistic ability. (This is a small part of a gigantic overall body of work as a writer, much of which will never see the light of day but I've done it anyway.)
4. I'm a big fan of beverages: Coca-Cola, Coffee, Stella Artois, Gin & Tonic, and the occasional cup of tea.
5. I've never held a job for longer than about 4 months. My shortest time at a job was three days (two shifts) working at Tim Hortons. I've also never interviewed for a job that didn't hire me.
6. I don't know what I want to write for this one. Something about girls, maybe? I'll get back to you.
7. Since I was in grade 11, I've had a blog chronicling my day-to-day thoughts and activities in often all-too-minute detail. It's an incredibly pointless endeavour and I wonder why I still do it, but moreover I wonder why anybody would read it. If I haven't told you the URL, don't sweat it, I'm real shy about it. If this makes you wonder why I do it at all..... nice to meet you.
8. My fondest ambition is to live long enough to be a cranky old man, or to get successful enough to offer sarcastic responses to fan queries.
Keep on rockin'