Jan 18, 2010 07:51
I've been reading a lot, and have completed "Happy for No Reason" and "The One Minute Millionaire". I've Just started reading "Stop Procrastinating - Do It" and I'm trying to implement the techniques I'm learning into my daily life.
I also went and saw a counselor and I'm going to see her again in a couple of weeks. It was amazing what a sense of relief I felt talking about things. I got very lucky as well, I wasn't expecting to get in for a couple of weeks but they had had two cancellations on the day I called, so I jumped on the earliest one and went.
I've also stated getting a government allowance which doesn't work out to a lot but I'm going to save most of it, and that way I should have some sort of funds to work with.
Anyway I've been pretty busy doing fencing for the horses, accident prone animals that they are.
So that's it for now, to tired to get more elaborate.