hormones are still out of wack,

Sep 19, 2006 12:19

Flannel isn’t that scary, but a hooded flannel shirt is a teency weency bit .. and alive down the south coast.

This may come into the realm of too much information, but hormones are still out of wack, but this time a 3.5 week cycle, which is wayyyyy better than the previous couple at 3 &  2 weeks respectively!

Here’s hoping that all is back to normal for next time.

I almost got the vest finished - it was getting too late and I don’t want to annoy the neighbours - noise travels very peculiarly in my building. So I’ve the topstitching around armholes, & neckline.  I’ve also the braid to stitch down along the front/neck, I’m going to do two rows cos it’s fairly narrow.  Theres the hip sash too, so I’ll see how the farrah rehearsal goes on Wednesday, as in if I can get away in time to get home & sew. Not likely though. {sadface} cos that means sewing on Thursday night. Whimper.

Yesterday I got salmon sausages from the fish shop, it’s pretty exciting to the fish loving people.  Just salmon & dill in a casing. Mmmh leftovers for breakfast today.

farah, hormone hell, stalkerville

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