I've looked at my stash & vintage patterns (as I've failed to live up to my vintage pattern pledge this year) to see what my options are.
Here's a pic of my 6 vintage patterns of choice, and 6 dress lengths I already own. They're not in any particular order, except the top 2 patterns are in the mail to me.
I've let my subconscious think about it which fabric and which pattern. The top left pattern gets the martini fabric; the top right pattern gets the 4th teal/navy trefoil print and maybe the red + black print; middle right pattern gets the top splodgy print; bottom left dunno really maybe the olivey print; the bottom right gets the flowers on black? maybe.
I may not use all patterns, but I want/ need to use all fabrics. I can't buy another dress length until 4 of the 6 pieces are made. Must shop the stash first!