I realised just right now that I've bound the top & bottom edge of my stays, without putting the cable ties as boning on the back edge. epic fail!
I have a pack of cable ties somewhere but I packed them away and the soup contained in my brainpan refuses to remember where. Ditto the millinery wire that I got for my diadem. The wretched curved needles arrived so all I now need is the flowers to arrive.
And can i just say OMFG why didn't I look at this
millinery site before now, their
wire frame headpiece may have fit and saved me a bit of work. It's too late to order it now, delivery would be spendy & would be bound to arrive the day after I left for canberra.\
I can quickly & cheaply replace the cable ties - Officeworks have them! Not so much the millinery wire, that'll take days to arrive, which I don't have.