I've not yet read :"Hidden Treasures" - the workbook for dealing with hoarding, although reading "Stuff" helped me recognise some of my unhelpful thought patterns. And often once I recognise something I can deal with it more practically.
The inspection of my storage room is tomorrow morning - eek - and I did some tidying but simply tossed a sheet over the mess on the sofa. The sofa I want to get rid of, but can't until the stuff on it is cleared.
I've got 2 bags of fabric/quilt books etc to give to the Fabric Cave - couldn't make it there today so it'll have to be next month. And the 2 plastic drawer sets are going to
faerie-mistress in a couple of weeks. I was going to haul the empty tubs up to the charity shop, as well as a magazine rack but as it was hard rubbish day ... an aussie phrase for when the local council collects stuff that won't fit in your regular rubbish collections. My council does them 3 times a year some do them once a year.
Anyway I took that opportunity to haul those things to the footpath and when I took up a bag of videotapes the decent stuff had already been taken to new homes. Works for me!
So a small start - that and I brought upstairs some bags of paperwork to cull. Yeah typical paper problem for hoarders. At least mine is small scale beginner hoarder level. I never let it get past that, but as I've had 20 months of poor health I got behind in my culling.