I've been a fan of Dr Who for years, well before the reboot with Christopher Eccleston. I've liked various costumes, and am still planning to make Idris. Most recently the 2012 Xmas episode had me say "ooh, ooh I *have* to have that!". I like all of the costumes the character Clara wears, especially the blue & black gown. So much that I hunted down a dobby cotton, as the close ups of her show the fabric isn't a plain weave. It arrived a couple of weeks ago and it's delicious. This photo is much lighter than it really is, it's navy not blue!
I also got from ebay the
Past Patterns 904, an 1880s polonaise + walking skirt, which arrived today. I know I'll need to make alterations to it, but it was close enough to suit me. No matter what I chose as a starting point changes will be needed so this will be fine. There's a skirt in Hunnisett's Period Costumes for Stage & Screen that's ideal for Clara's black skirt ... and I wonder if the one she wore came from one of her productions.