Yesterday I worked up a second batch of the creamy mushroom & chicken soup from
This time I used the recipe's proportion of mushroom to chicken, had an onion that wasn't off (though I did it last and added it/white sauce to the cooked mix) and used white flesh sweet potato instead of potato. Oh and added in some coconut cream in lieu of the parmesan & cream.
Oh My! just had some for lunch and it's a winner! This may well become my go-to soup when I'm not making "what's in the fridge" soup.
I'm going to make 'what's in the fridge' +lentil soup tonight, so I can batch freeze different varieties of soups for my lunch. Call me weird but I like cold soups, and now that summer is on the way I need to dodge the baking mid-day heat and having a stash of frozen soups in the work freezer is a smarter idea.
And a random pic of fabric in my stash