Shrek's Fairy Godmother - for 2012

Jul 19, 2011 12:14

On Sunday I was asked to team up with someone for 2012 Syd'nova.  She's doing Shrek's Prince Charming and heard that I'd done Cinders FGM for the Disney group a few years ago.  Thinking about it took less than a minute as I've nothing new planned for that far ahead.  I also want to do the FGM from The Slipper and the Rose at some point.

So I've been looking at Shrek 2 screen caps, and will start hunting for fabric fairly soon ... it seems like it'd be easy to find but they are usually the hardest.  Her hair did my head in, until I remembered pinkdiamond  telling me about a NZ cosplayer who re-wefted an entire wig to have upsweeping hair.   I thought that it was a brilliant idea, though a little crazy in a good way.  I suspect I'll be doing it too, and have already started looking for wigs that I can use.  I'd definitely get 2, cos I have a silly broad skull and it'll need to completely cover my own hair.  I'd dye my fringe hairline to match if that would help.  I'd need to build up my male polystyrene head cos that's still smaller than my own head.

A friend of a friend on LJ posted in the past year on how to make a wig, and I think I remember her username so I'll go hunting for that tutorial.  From memory it was fairly straight forward ... that is it might be time consuming and have a certain need to be precise, but it's not complicated in the the way that trying to do pilates when your body-brain connection is an abstract concept not a physical reality is.

syd'nova, shrek2 fgm, wishlist:costume

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