Tomorrow I'm going to wear it to work, hurrah. I've realised that I need more tops to go with it. The knit top I'm going to wear is a bit blingy, but tough. It goes with and it fits and is not the one in the pics.
Sure I'm headless, however you'd be very relieved if you'd only seen the muttony face scowling away. It was gripped with concentration, but simply looked cranky. So snip snip the face is dismissed for the public good.
I don't usually make orphans (garments that don't have anything to wear with them), and this won't be one for long. I just have a nasty backlog of real life clothing to cut n construct.
I saw the remedial foot person today, and far out, brussel sprout, does it hurt. Still that's only cos it got to move more than it has in the past 2 years. I've got homework twice a day which is ok. She thinks in around six treatments and providing I do my homework, that I'll have major improvement in 2 months but that it will then take up to 12 months to completely go away. Cos it's a muscle sheath problem (not muscle) the blood supply is less, muscle would be faster to fix.
I've got to take a pic of my viking fabric, so I'll get that cut out tonight. Fingers crossed.