Project name: Cream Ruffles -- Changed to: Attack of The Ruffles xD
Progress: 20% I have everything cut out, thought the waist band isn't to length. I also have 4/6 ruffles ruffles, and one sewn on.
Problems encountered that halted progress: Life xD. Nothing really, just my own procrastonating, some length issues, ect.
Ways considered to solve the problem: The ruffles some how ended up not taking up the full expanse of the back pannel so I figure I can just add on an extra ruffle or two (Which will involve me going and buying more fabric since I've already used all of it xD)
Questions for the community: Well so far I've been hand sewing the ruffles, and then using my machine to sew them down (Randomly since I like the way they look better, plus the waistband will pull everything together even more) and they look more like pleats then ruffles...the effect looks the same, but it's just kind of annoying me and I'm sure those who have sewn for year can notice it too. I tried the whole long-stitch and pull thing but It doesn't really work and if I pull to hard to try and get it to work, the thread snaps. Any ways to ruffle these properly for me? or should I just ignore this little pet peeve and keep doing it the way I am?
Ruffles placed out on the pannel
You Can Kind of see what I mean by Pleats here.