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Project Title: Blouse Alterations
Short Project Description: Taking in a blouse and shortening the sleeves.
Project Started: Mid June.
Project Completed: Mid June.
Did you discover something you would like to share? Nope.
How happy are you with the result? 80%.
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The blouse is plain, but it's sort of a starter for me. I've never made or altered a blouse before. And I really like your point about the sleeves balancing the skirt! I did want to take the blouse in at the shoulders a bit, because it's a tad wide, but even if I did that, I'm not sure if I would have enough to gather the sleeve at the top. I didn't have any fabric to ruffle at the cuff end of the sleeve either. For the collar I considered making one of those long ribbon-y things that could tie in the front above the buttons and attaching it over the existing collar. Unfortunately, I don't think I have enough fabric from the blouse to make that and I haven't had a chance to see if I can find matching fabric.
As for the skirt, it's not very full for four reasons. 1. I have a very small petticoat at the moment. 2. They only had enough fabric at the store for me to make it just over 2x my waist. 3. The fabric is, unfortunately, rather stiff. And 4. I'm bad at gathering. (The next skirt will be more pleated).
Sorry this is long winded, and I hope it makes sense. Thanks for your input though! I'll keep it in mind in the future!
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