Project Title
Chiffon Blouse - White Project Start Date 15th Nov. 2012
Planned Finish Date 22nd Nov. 2012
Actual Finish Date 30th Nov. 2012 ^^' I'm still not done with the other bouse yet.....
Did you make changes from original plan? Changed the collar to something more rounded.
Did you discover something you want to share? I don't really like the way the front facing is for the blouse. It's from the shoulder and kind of cuts at an angle, rather than just be a straight line down the front where the buttons go. I might alter the pattern for just the sheer blouses.
How happy are you with the result? 90% Only because of that weird facing.
Pictures! 8D It fits pretty well. I would have done worn photos but... you know... it's see through :P Going to wear this with some of the JSK's I made. Any thoughts would be lovely.