Project Registration and Completion ~Contest Entry~

Mar 29, 2012 00:34

Project Title : Bone Aviary JSK
Short Project Description: I found this fabric on Spoonflower and fell in love with it. I wanted to make something--anything, really--with it, so I decided finally on a JSK with a tiered skirt design and corset back lacing.
Projected Deadline: March 28th
Pattern(s) Used: New Look 6457 for bodice base (made a bunch of alterations), skirt portion self-drafted
Materials: 3 yards fabric, 2 1/2 yards lining, ~6 yards white trim, ~4 yards white eyelet lace, grossgrain ribbon, shirring elastic, thinner elastic (1/8", I think; it was in my stash).
Challenges or obstacles : The shirring. This was my first time shirring anything, and I found out that the fabric for the JSK was too heavy for the shirring elastic! So I had to find some thinner elastic and sew that in instead, after some pondering.
Project Start Date: About March 17th? 18th?
Actual Finish Date: March 29th
Did you make changes from original plan? Originally I only intended to make a skirt. But the black of the print was simply too close to a charcoal for me to go that route... So I chose to make it into a JSK instead. It took a bit of squeezing, but I managed to do it! I barely had enough leftover to make the detachable bow.
Did you discover something you want to share? Sewing through 8 layers of cloth sucks.
How happy are you with the result: I would say 95%. There are a few, minor details, but nothing glaringly obvious. I do love it, and my room mates have told me that they think it's adorable (they're beginning to make fun of me for my obsession with buying and making lolita clothing, but my fear of actually wearing it to classes, haha). Overall not something I would sell to another, but for my first JSK, I think I did okay. =3 I mainly made this for myself, and it happened to fall under the "animal" theme for March.... I saw no rule about the animals having to be alive, haha.

And on we go to pictures!

The full length of the JSK. The bow on the front is detachable. I'm sorry it isn't a worn picture, but I don't have a mannequin, and I didn't have anyone around until much later to help me take pictures!

A close up of the bodice area of the JSK.

And print detail! I managed to get three of the little bird cages. There are three distinct bird positions, and I have the entire rotation here.

The back panel of the bodice, without the corset lacing. My first shirring job! It didn't seem to go too badly. It wasn't as scary as I thought it would be.

The back corsetting. I might switch it out for a lighter ribbon sometime, but I kind of like the contrast.

And the skirt portion. I love the look of tiered skirts, and I chose a two-tiered design for this one since lots of my skirts seem to be coming out as three-tiered...

And the lining. The entire JSK is lined, with the lining ending just a bit before the hem where the lace starts. All edges are finished, as well.

The trim for the tiers and along the top of the bodice. I really liked how it looked, and I think that it compliments the chains in the print very nicely!

Likewise, I chose an oval-shaped design for my lace trim to compliment the shape of the birdcages in the print. Originally, I was going to dye it black, but I decided that I liked the look of the white more.

And an (admittedly horrible) worn picture! I made the dress to be a little longer. In the future, however, I think I might lengthen the bodice in an upwards direction and shorten the straps by a few inches.

And a closeup of the bodice and its fit! The blouse underneath is an English Charm one I just got in the mail today. I was so excited, haha.

And a worn picture a girl down the hall from me took from behind! I love the corset look. Though the straps look a little droopy here, haha.

The print was designed by the lovely gienahclarette on DeviantArt from her Spoonflower collection, who graciously gave me permission to use her print for my entry. Check her out at !<3 Thank you so much, gienahclarette!

This is my first contest submission, so please tell me if I did anything wrong!

# dress- jsk, ! project registration, * design element - shirring, * fabric motif - border print, ! project completion, * style - gothic, ! contest entry, * design element - corset lacing, * fabric motif - stripes, * design element - tiers, ! monthly challenge

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