Project Registration: Date: 17 March 2012
Projected Deadline: 25 March 2012
Poor girl is missing sleeves at the moment.
A close up to see the details of the lace.
I lined the front to make sure all the stitching from the lace is covered keeping it soft and smooth to be worn.
Did You Discover Something You Want To Share: Oh yes indeed. I had to move the darts in the bodice to accommodate the rose trim. And clearly I was tired and not in top form because the darts in the lining do not match the darts on the front - whoops! No one will see since I plan to wear it under a JSK, but still I know it is off and that is going to bug me.
Also, I am not too keen on New Look 6078 pattern's approach for attaching the collar. Since this is the second time using the pattern I think it warrants merging with another pattern's approach for any future applications.
I put the new blouse side-by-side with the original from Baby the Stars Shine Bright. And I like Baby's collar shape better... so another modification that I would make next time around.
Cheers - thanks for reading!