Project Completion!! (Finally!)

Oct 22, 2011 21:46

Project Title: Pink Skulls OP
Project Start Date: Not a clue anymore.
Planned Finish Date: Didn't really have one.... but it definitely shouldn't have taken as long as it did...
Actual Finish Date: Shipped Oct.  19th, 2011
Did you make changes from original plan?: A few. I couldn't get the bustle bit to work the way that her design had originally been, so I changed that part a smidge. I also added some trim where there hadn't been before, but it didn't take anything away from the design. 
Did you discover something you want to share?: This was a great project! I learned a lot, if you want a rundown, feel free to ask!
How happy are you with the result?: 99%. There are a few things that could be better, but overall, it looks great. I am thrilled with this dress, and even better than that, zombieplaything oves it too!

I really don't have any in progress or detail shots, since I shipped it the same day I finished it.

Please let me know if any of the tags I posted are incorrect, and I welcome concit!


^ commission, # dress- op, * design element - bustle, * fabric motif - novelty/themed, * design element - ruffles/gathering, ! project completion, ^ concrit desired

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