Hiya everyone!!
Hope real life treating you good?
I'm not really having a blast i must tell, family troubles showing its ugly face,
and, i don't know, but the news, this earthshake in Haiti, all these people who're
suffering... well, i'm in a crappy mood!
So, as always when things aren't great, i drown myself into music.
So here's my new obsession, "MAGIC ALEX".
I'm kinda hoplessly, indefinetly in love with John Simm.
He's such a amazing actor, blow my out of my head every single time, as the Master,
as Sam Tyler, as Cal... But there's nothing that takes my breathe away like seing him
play the guitar! And seriously, i think this band is simply amazing... but judge by yourselves!!!
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special mention for the song in part 3, "chica chica", my ultimate favourite...