wherein my class schedule is Super Special Awesome :D

Nov 16, 2007 09:31

YATTAAA! \(^o^)/

Finally. This quarter, I've managed to enroll in all my classes without any trouble at all. (Aside from Japanese/Printmaking scheduling conflicts grrrrr. And no matter how badly I want to take Digital Printmaking, Japanese has to win, because if I miss one quarter I'll have to take a whole year over again. =o=;)

Anyways. Things haven't gone this smoothly for me for a long time.
Decided class schedule is...

Advanced Japanese @ 9:30-10:40am MWF
Digital Photography @ 9:00-11:45am TuTh
Foundations in Game Design @ 12:20-1:40pm MWF

Psh, whut, I am more of a morning person anyway. xP;
Reclaiming Tues/Thurs as my lazy days = good good. I am more motivated to do work the rest of the time when I have my easy days in the middle of the week.
Also, first time in a long time that my classes do not overlap w/ dinner. And no section is FTW.

Game Design, I need you not. :/
But it should be fun y/n? Jessica is going to sign up for it too. We can be Super Special Awesome Project buddies. And we can do all the group work without even having to leave our room, much less the apartment. x3;
...Too bad I am not in digital print. Then I could make posters for whatever game we come up with and combine classes for fun and credit.

...I'll most likely do it anyway, whether I get credit or no. >>;
I think Digital Photo might finally give me access to The Cave (the super-elite digital arts place on campus that you have to be a member to use. They have really nice computers, software, and printers that students w/ access can use for a small fee).

Winter quarter was always a good time for me. It's when all the fun classes happen.
Last year was Japanese Pop Culture (a.k.a. the watch-anime-&-read-manga class), the year before that was Techno Thrillers (where all we did was watch awesome movies and learn how to analyze them). This year... I shall be making video games.
Pointlessly fun classes FTW! :DDD

And now for something completely different...

Blah whut I dunno. I needed some almost-smut to cheer myself up yesterday. >>;;;;

Time to do Japanese homework before I have to leave for class? I think so, yes. >o>;

q/o, school, doodles

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