Good, long weekend, this one. :3
+ I skipped Japanese class Friday and went home mid-Thursday to...
+ get to At World's End premiere, which at 8:00pm on the 24th was four hours early. *joy*
+ finished up my cosplay (with much much help from Mum ♥)
+ spent time with Keira (my cat) =^w^=
+ went to lunch with Nikki for her birthday. She liked her card. :3
+ got my hair cut short. I think it makes me look like Pansy Parkinson from the HP movies. o_O;
+ went to see AWE again with Nikki. x3; It was less weird the second time around, but I was also less fangirly.
+ slept in all day to stop from getting sick. it worked. (huzzah!)
+ went to Fanime in my Haruhi Suzumiya cosplay, and met up with Laura and Felicia :DDD
+ I also bought the Balthier figure I was after, and some HP doujinshi (with a rather promiscuous title.. I collect HP doujin that sounds silly x3;)
+ did some food shopping, and got dropped back off at the apartment.
lololol I decided to have a moderately small gathering of the figures I have lying around the apartment.
Axel, Roxas, Balthier, Jack, Will, Obi-Wan, Qui-Gon, Anakin, Gambit and Snape are all standing around on my desk. x3;;;;;
They're all different sizes, but it's quite the magnificent garden party. I'll have to take some pictures some time to show you guys.
And for the dual purpose of showing off both my cosplay and my new haircut:
I think this might be the first time I've posted a picture of myself on LJ? Let's just pretend I have before, so I don't have to talk about it. >>;
And now, it is most decidedly tea time. ♥